What if we redefined wealth?

By definition a plutocrat is someone who rules or exercises influence, by virtue of their wealth. But often times this wealth is attributed only to one’s bank account.

We believe that true wealth is found in spirituality, relationships, intellect, health, and finances. Those elements combined form our definition of a Plutocrat and our club of professionals who embody it.

Our Symbol

Circles are universal symbols of unity and our logo is a visual representation of bigger and better picture we create when we come together.

Our Impact

Our vision was ultimately founded on D.R.E.A.M.S. that drive our passion to create lasting value.

  • Developing new platforms, relationships, and pipelines where none were before.

  • Researching best practices and partnering with experts.

  • Educating about programs, resources, and opportunities currently available.

  • Analyzing and showcasing the strengths, skills, and gifts of our clients.

  • Motivating our communities to desire and pursue fulfilling, long-term relationships.

  • Sharing our real, professional journeys of working in our God given purpose.